
In Chongqing, China, lives a remarkable elderly woman, Chen Zehua, deeply revered by pet lovers. Despite being in her seventies, an age for peaceful retirement, she has devoted most of her life to rescuing stray animals. Over the past 38 years, using her modest monthly pension of 2,000 RMB (approximately £212 / $284), Granny Chen has saved thousands of stray cats and dogs. These include abandoned, wandering, and even animals rescued from meat traders. Her perseverance and selfless dedication have brought hope and warmth to these unfortunate furry children.

Granny Chen welcomes these strays into her home, giving them ample space to thrive while she confines herself to a tiny corner. She has sold her only two houses and even used her late husband's pension to keep the rescue operation going. However, due to some landlords' intolerance for animal noises and smells, she has had to relocate multiple times. Moreover, Granny Chen has also spent over millions of yuan on medical treatments and vaccinations for them. Despite her declining health and heavy debts, she never thought of backing down, because she knew that if she stopped, the little lives that depended on her would have nowhere to go.

Fortunately, volunteers have now joined this noble cause. While we cannot commit our entire lives as Granny Chen does, every animal we help signifies a better future for one more life. At P2Pet, we promise to donate 15% of our sales profits to Grandma Chen to ease her burden and bring more care and warmth to these little animals.

Every purchase is a contribution to this act of kindness. We earnestly invite every pet owner to join us in extending a helping hand to stray cats and dogs, ensuring more furry children have the chance for a happy life.